Friday, April 29, 2016

Dancing King

Like a Piece of Candy

I previously mentioned that we were entertained Thursday evening by several of the local Moskito individuals with guitar, drums and dancing. It was one of those experiences in one's life in which one finds themself deeply appreciating taking the time,  the energy and the resources to step outside the norm of everyday living.  
The dances were enjoyable to watch, but I do believe there were those of us who could not wait to take our turn in demonstrating our prowess in dance steps.  Shortly, at the beginning of one of the dances, the women asked for a volunteer from the audience.  Well, enter our Tom, the bird man, senor chachalacca; who is "always quick with a joke, or to light up your smoke but there's someplace that he'd rather be...".  Tom has shown himself to be an extremely knowledgeable and fun person to have on our trip, so he broke the ice and was the first gringo to dance.
As the dancing progressed, the number of gringos entering did also and it was then we were to hear the quote of the trip.
There's a very young man with us on this trip, a 22-year old who is a scribe in Florida hospitals.  We are all quite impressed with his willingness at his young age to be involved in an effort such as this. But, he does,  at times, seem a little shy and reserved....until tonight.
Following one of the dances, we were all catching our breath and drinking ample amounts of mostly water.  Dr. J, truly one of our favorites, expressed surprise at the fact the young scribe had actually been out dancing.
He replied, "They picked me out like a piece of candy!!"
Go ahead!  Try and tell me we ain't having fun!!

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